
3 Reasons To Engage A Family Law Attorney When Drafting Your Prenuptial Agreements

Law Blog

Going into a prenuptial agreement without legal representation can often be a mistake. While you may be able to come to an agreement with your partner, having a family law attorney look over the document can help ensure that both your rights are covered well in case of a divorce. Engaging an attorney to draft your prenuptial agreement could also be the best way to protect yourself financially in the event of a divorce.

27 September 2022

What Is The Role Of Your Divorce Lawyer In A Collaborative Divorce?

Law Blog

One option for a divorce process is to go through the court system, which can be long, expensive, and emotionally draining. Another option is collaborative divorce: a process where both parties work with a divorce lawyer who helps them reach an agreement outside of court. Each party retains its lawyer but agrees to work towards a settlement that meets the needs of both parties. This can be much more efficient and less costly than going through the court system.

25 August 2022

Been Injured In An Industrial Accident? 4 Steps To Take Right Away

Law Blog

If you've been injured in an industrial accident, there are things that you'll need to do right away. Failure to take appropriate measures could cause serious problems for you down the road. This includes personal, financial, and medical problems. The information provided below will help you recover from your industrial injuries.  Seek Immediate Medical Attention Whenever you suffer injuries, you should seek medical attention. But, if you've sustained injuries in an industrial accident, it's even more important that you seek immediate medical attention.

29 July 2022

3 Critical Errors A Child Support Attorney Will Help You Avoid

Law Blog

Separating from a spouse comes with numerous challenges, especially if kids are involved. The law may require you to pay for their upkeep until they become adults. The amount payable is determined through legally set standards and is enforced through the court system. If you make any error regarding these payments, you'll pay several fines and interests, which may ruin your finances. While there are many misconceptions about sustenance payments, knowing the facts is essential, so you don't fall behind.

6 July 2022

Peripheral Neuropathy Is A Debilitating Condition That May Qualify You For SSDI Benefits

Law Blog

Sensory nerves connect the brain and spinal cord. When these nerves become disrupted, it's possible to develop a condition known as peripheral neuropathy. If you are suffering from this condition, you may find it more difficult to remain employed and every day might become a struggle. However, you can receive compensation for your condition if you successfully file a claim with the Social Security Disability program (SSDI).  Why Peripheral Neuropathy Is So Debilitating

8 June 2022

3 Liability Options a Car Accident Attorney Will Help You Pursue If You're an Injured Passenger

Law Blog

When passengers ride in another person's vehicle, they expect to be safe throughout the entire journey. Unfortunately, crashes can occur at any time, injuring both the driver and passenger. These injuries may affect your life. Luckily, you can file a lawsuit against the liable individual and get compensated for your losses. If you choose to take this direction, it's vital to work with a car accident attorney because they understand what it takes to determine liability.

5 May 2022

Ways To Get Your Battery Domestic Violence Charges Reduced

Law Blog

When charged with battery domestic violence, you might wonder if there are possible ways to get your charges reduced, dismissed, or even dropped. The first step is finding out if you can get your domestic violence charges reduced. If your battery wasn't a violent felony and there was only one injured person, the trial jury is more likely to reduce the charges. Read on for ways you can get your domestic violence battery charges reduced.

29 March 2022

The Family Home And Child Custody: What To Know

Law Blog

Divorce can trigger the need to make some very big decisions. Some of them could affect child custody matters and issues surrounding the family home. What you do or don't do when it comes to the home where your children have been living could have major ramifications on your divorce. Read on to find out more. What the Family Home Means to Child Custody Issues When it comes to matters affecting a child under the age of 18, the law sides with what is best for the child.

23 February 2022

Being Charged With A DUI As A Teen Is Serious

Law Blog

As a teenager, it is easy to feel as though you are invincible, but when it comes to the law — this mindset is false. If you are arrested and charged with a DUI, even as a teenager, you can face legal consequences. It is important that you work to protect yourself as you face this challenge. Crime is Crime An important thing for teenagers charged with DUI, and their parents, to understand is crime is crime.

13 January 2022

Benefits Of Working With Bankruptcy Attorneys

Law Blog

If you have an outstanding loan that you're unable to pay, consider filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy refers to a legal process that begins with the debtor filing a petition requesting for loan discharge. Valuers evaluate the worth of the debtor's assets, which, when sold, can settle the debt partially. The process is complicated, and the federal bankruptcy court may reject your petition. That's why you need a bankruptcy lawyer. Here are the reasons to hire bankruptcy attorneys.

3 December 2021