3 Common Myths About Social Security Disability

Law Blog

What do you know about Social Security Disability benefits? There are a number of misconceptions about these benefits, and the truth about them often comes as a surprise to people who find themselves needing to apply for SSDI. If you suffer from a disability and you can no longer work, it's important that you have the facts about disability benefits. Take a look at some of the most common myths about SSDI benefits, and the truth behind them.

Myth: SSDI is a Medical Decision

Often people assume that as long as their doctor says they're disabled, they'll qualify for disability benefits. The truth is, doctors don't make any decisions about Social Security benefits. People think of SSDI as a medical decision, which is understandable because it concerns their health. However, the decision about whether or not to grant SSDI benefits is a legal decision made by lawyers and judges. A doctor can help by providing medical records or testimony, and doctors who regularly treat disabled patients can often predict who will or won't qualify. But in the end, it's not up to your doctor.

Just having a disability isn't enough – the judge at your Social Security disability hearing may not doubt that you're disabled, they may simply believe that you could still work and support yourself. Even if your doctor disagrees, this could be enough to deny you benefits. This is why you really do need a lawyer to help you with your Social Security Disability claim. Because it's a legal matter, you need an advocate who can argue the legal merits of your case.

Myth: SSDI is for Life

Another myth is that once you're approved for SSDI benefits, you'll receive them for life. The truth is that cases are reviewed periodically, and if you're found to have improved during a review, you could lose your benefits.

Most cases are reviewed every three years. But you could be scheduled for a review in 12 or 18 months if your condition is one that has a good chance of improving. And while people who have conditions that are considered permanent with little or no chance of improvement don't have to have reviews as often, they still have to have their case reviewed every seven years.

Being reviewed for continuing benefits is much less difficult than getting approved for benefits in the first place. However, it's important to know that you will have to go through the reviews – you're not done for good after being approved.

Myth: Payments Start As Soon As You're Approved

Getting a disability claim approved can take a long time. And chances are that you were disabled for a while even before you filed the claim. All of that waiting can cause a financial hardship, and it's understandable to think that getting approved will put an end to that because you'll start receiving funds right away. Unfortunately, you'll probably continue to wait for awhile even after being approved.

You probably won't see your first monthly benefit check for a month, or even two, depending on where your approval date fell in the pay schedule. And if you're approved for back pay, that can take an even longer time to arrive. You'll need to be somewhat patient. However, if your benefits are taking too long to arrive, your lawyer can help by calling the Social Security Administration and finding out how to move things along. If it's been three months or more, make sure that you contact the Social Security Administration to find out what's happening.

Social Security Disability benefits can be a lifesaver, but they can also be complicated and difficult to secure, and it's important to know the facts about what getting approved is like. A good Social Security Disability attorney will make sure that you're filled in and help you navigate the approval process.

Visit a site like http://www.socialsecurityesq.com for more information. 


9 August 2017

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