Why You Should Sign The Necessary Paperwork So That Your Car Accident Lawyer Can Talk To Your Doctor

Law Blog

If you are working with a car accident lawyer, there is a good chance that you are doing so because you were injured in a car accident. If this is the case, then you might be hoping that your lawyer can help you with getting compensated for medical bills and lost income due to your injuries, and you might be hoping that you will get help with future loss of income and future medical bills, too. If you want to help increase the chances of success with your case, you should consider signing the necessary paperwork so that your car accident lawyer can talk to your doctor. It's worth it to sign this paperwork — which might be provided by your lawyer or your doctor — for these reasons and more.

Your Lawyer Won't Be Able to Talk to Your Doctor Without Your Permission

First of all, you should know that your lawyer will not be able to reach out and talk to your doctor without your permission. This is because there are HIPAA laws and other regulations in place that protect you as a patient and client. Therefore, if you want your lawyer to be able to discuss your accident-related injuries with your doctor, you will need to sign the necessary paperwork.

Your Lawyer Needs to Be As Well-Informed About Your Injuries as Possible

In order to handle your case properly, your lawyer will need to know what types of injuries you have sustained, how serious those injuries were, how they might impact you and your life in the long term, and more. You can provide some of this information yourself, of course, but your lawyer can get the most accurate and thorough information from talking to your doctor. This can help increase the chances of them getting the compensation that you are truly entitled to.

You Can Make Things Much Easier for Yourself

One of the main reasons why you might have decided to hire a car accident lawyer might have been because you didn't want to have to handle everything related to your car accident on your own. Of course, you will still need to turn in paperwork and speak with your lawyer from time to time while they are handling your case. You can avoid having to relate information about your injury and your doctors' appointments to your lawyer if you simply provide your lawyer with permission to speak to your doctor. Since you probably don't want to have to worry about updating your lawyer about each of your doctors' appointments, you will probably find that this will make things a whole lot easier for you.


3 March 2021

family law - impacting your life

Just as there are laws to protect us on the roads, there are laws to protect our families. Whether you are fighting for the right to see your children, or are in the beginning stages of a divorce, a lawyer can help. There are many laws and stipulations that can have a serious impact on the outcome of any family legal situation. Having a lawyer working at your side to get through a difficult time is the only way to ensure that your rights are fully protected. On this site, you will learn about some of the family laws that could be impacting your life today.